1. Key Lime Martini
Not everyone wants their key lime in pie form…some like to sip it! This boozy treat will have you forgetting all worries, what time it is, and general responsibility until the last drop. Unless, you made a batch, then it’s time for round two!
- 3 1/2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
- 1/2 C. 4 oz. Vanilla vodka
- 3 Tbsp. Sweetened Condensed Milk
- 3 Tbsp. Pineapple Juice
- 3 Tbsp. Crushed Graham Crackers for garnish on glass rim
- A dollop of Whipped Cream for topping optional
Fill a cocktail shaker with a handful of ice cubes.
Add Fresh Lime Juice, Vanilla Vodka, Sweetened Condensed Milk, and Pineapple Juice to cocktail shaker and shake to combine all ingredients.
Dip rim of martini glass into pineapple juice and onto a plate with crushed graham cracker crumbs until rim is evenly coated.
Add a dollop of whipped cream to the top of the drink and garnish with a slice of lime.
2. Rum Runner

Tales of the rum running industry and a Rum Runner of your own from the Speakeasy Inn & Rum Bar
The Rum Runner was the brain child of a creative Islamorada (pronounced “eye-uhl-mor-ah-dah”) bartender when stuck between the “rock” of an impending new bottle delivery and the “hard place” of an already over-stocked bar. Some quick thinking and flicks of the wrist had him pouring the remnants of almost-empty bottles into one glass. He struck liquid gold when he mixed the ingredients below into one shaker to create (most absolutely) “THE” drink of the Florida Keys.
- 1 oz Pineapple Juice
- 1 oz Orange Juice
- 1 oz Blackberry liqueur
- 1 oz Banana liqueur
- 1 oz Light rum
- 1 oz Dar rum
- Splash of Grenadine
- Garnish lemon/lime/cherry
Fill a cocktail shaker with a handful of ice cubes.
Add all ingredients except garnish and shake to combine.
Top of the drink and garnish.
3. Papa Doble (aka Hemingway Daiquiri)

Photo // The Cocktail List
When Key West local Ernest “Papa” Hemingway took a sabbatical to Havana to write his novel, he’d stop into every bar down his rented apartment’s street to find some “liquid inspiration.” One of the man’s mottos in life was “write drunk, edit sober.” On one of these inspiring adventures, he found himself needing relief. Popping into La Floridita to use the restroom, he came back out the the bar to find the tender preparing a row of daiquiris. Not having been introduced or popularized in the states yet, Papa was of course eager to try one. After gulping down the first he ordered his second with no simple syrup and TWICE the rum (hence “papa doble” aka Papa’s double). Did he like them? Well, he’s still La Floridita’s current title holder of the most daiquiris drank in one sitting, so you guess…
- 3 1/2oz White Rum (Pilar Blonde or Pilar Dark recommended)
- 1oz Pink Grapefruit Juice (fresh squeezed is best!)
- 3/4oz Maraschino Liqueur
- 1oz Lime Juice (fresh squeezed is best)
- 1/2oz Simple Syrup (2:1)*
- Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into coupe/martini glass.
*Traditionally, the Hemingway was made without simple syrup, but this recipe appeals to more palates.